Load Widget

Use the url received from response:


Url can be opened as new page, integrated within existing page in iframe or used in utility window. How to configure widget check this page.

Below you will find simple examples how to load widget:

Button example

This example show how to use url provided above in simple javascript onclick event to open KriptoRamp widget in new window

<button onclick="window.open('url','_blank')">KriptoRamp Widget</button>

Iframe example

This example shows how to implement iframe for KriptoRamp widget. For src parameter you use use url from response. iframe content has responsive layout so this can be used for any screen size.

<iframe src="https://widget.kriptomat.io/?to_address=1DJ4N7mdUazDvrDe3H5eeRJtoXuAUSbTWy&amount=35&asset_type=eth&uuid=c472856c-d248-4e53-ae49-1d2f088cb732" allow="camera;microphone" height="600" width="515" title="Kriptomat Widget" allow="camera;microphone"></iframe>

Following attribute allow="camera;microphone" for iframe is required to enable user to complete registration and KYC process

Utility Window


var win = window.open(url , "myWin", "toolbar=no, directories=no, location=no, status=yes, menubar=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=yes, width=515, height=600");


Best Practices

It is best to have a button that initialises the widget rather than doing it on page load, regardless of how you choose to display the widget to the user.

Additionally the below function disables the button so that only 1 widget can be called at a time, and then continually checks to see if the widget is open, if closed, enables the button again.


$(document).on("click", "buyCrypto", function() {

	var buyCryptoButton = document.getElementById("buyCrypto");	
	buyCryptoButton.disabled = true;				

	var data='id=userId&csrfToken=csrfToken';

			if (url == "checks failed") {
			} else {
				var win = window.open(url , "myWin", "toolbar=no, directories=no, location=no, status=yes, menubar=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=yes, width=515, height=600"); 
				// sets interval timer to see if the utility window is open. 
				// If it is open the interval timer continues
				// if the window has been closed, enable the button to start a new widget,
				// and clear the timer
				var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
					try {
						if (win == null || win.closed) { 
							buyCryptoButton.disabled = false;
					catch (e) {

				}, 1000);
				return win;
		error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
		    alert("Error type" + textStatus + "occured with value " + errorThrown);
    return false;

Note: when using widget on page, make sure that correct http header permission policy is set to allow camera and microphone to enable users to complete registration and KYC process

Last updated

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